






1. プライバシー






2. 個人情報

(a) 個人情報(氏名、NRIC、FIN、パスポートまたはその他の識別番号、連絡先、居住地、個人の電子メールアドレス、国籍、年齢、性別、婚姻状況、人種、国籍、宗教、および/または所得レベルなど)。
(b) 病歴および経歴(以下を含む)。-
I. 個人の健康または基礎疾患
II. 当該個人に対する医療の提供、または III.
III. 本人に提供された医療に対する支払い;および以下を含む。
• 医療記録番号」および個人に割り当てられたその他の識別番号、記号または特定事項
• 医療の提供または医療費の支払の過程で収集され、それに付随する個人に関する識別情報
(c) 画像および生体認証(例:写真、お客様の音声およびビデオ録画(お客様との会話を含む))。
(d) 当院に開示されたお客様の個人的な意見(例:フィードバックや調査を通じて)
(e) 当院の製品およびサービスの利用を通じて、またはお客様への提供の一部として、お客様に関連するその他の電子データまたは情報(例:位置データ、IPアドレス、活動ログ、クッキー、デバイスキャリア/オペレーティングシステムおよび接続タイプなど)


3. 個人情報の利用目的・利用方法


(a) 当院の患者のアカウントの設定、患者のことびあプラットフォームの使用およびアクセスの管理などを含む患者の記録を確立し、治療およびケアを開始するための関連データ項目の情報を提供します。
(b) 当院との関係を管理し、医療、サービスおよびアドバイスを提供すること。これには、遠隔医療相談および/または電子予約や電子決済などの取引用電子サービスなど、当院のことびあプラットフォームを通じて提供される当院のサービスの利用を促進することが含まれますが、これに限定されるものではありません。
(c) 患者の現在地(面会など)、医療情報の提供、緊急時・無能力時の同意を求める目的で、家族・近親者・代理人に連絡すること。
(d) 適切かつ完全な診断と適切な治療(健康および/または治療のリスクの特定を含むがこれに限定されない)を確保すること。

(e) 適切な薬物の処方と調剤。
(f) 手続き、治療上の追加支援、専門家による支援、フォローアップケアの調達または提供、またはケアアレンジメントの一環として、患者を他の機関、医療専門家、介護者、個人、組織に紹介および/または協力および/または移送すること。
(g) 患者様の医療リスクによりよく対応し、患者ケアを向上させるための医療レビューを実施すること。
(h) 治療後の患者様のケアのパートナー(地域パートナー、医療従事者、ステップダウン療法、在宅ケア等を含む)への移行を監視し、促進すること。
(i) お客様との取引を完了し、当院の優先顧客サービスを管理・確認すること。
(j) 当院のサービスを理解し、分析することにより、お客様のニーズや嗜好に対応すること。
(k) お客様のニーズに合った製品およびサービスを開発、強化、販売、提供すること。
(l) お客様が当院のイベント、プロモーション、コンテスト(もしあれば)に参加できるようにすること。
(m) 当院のサービスを個人向けにすること。
(n) 当院のサービスの質を向上させること。
(o) 問い合わせおよび/または要求および/または苦情(ある場合)に対応できるようにすること。
(p) セキュリティおよび安全衛生対策およびサービスの実施(ネットワークまたはサービスの強化、不正アクセスまたは使用からのCことびあプラットフォームの保護、製品または医薬品の回収に関するお客様への通知などを含む)。
(q) お客様の身元確認、およびお客様から提供されたその他の情報(お客様と第三者の被扶養者の関係、お客様と第三者の介護者の関係を含みますが、これらに限定されません。
(r) 内部監査、患者様の統合処理の促進を含む医療記録の管理、医療記録のリクエストへの回答、医療報告書および関連する管理文書の作成。
(s) 事業用資産の取引(合併、買収、資産売却を含む)の促進。
(t) 犯罪や違反の防止、検出、調査、または不適合プロセスの摘発のための監査など、法律や規制上の義務または当院のリスク管理手順やポリシーに従った適正評価の実施。
(u) あらゆる請求、訴訟または手続きに関連し(文書、取引文書の作成およびレビュー、法的助言の取得、紛争解決の促進を含むがこれに限定されない)、および/または当院の契約上および法的権利と義務の保護と執行を行うこと。
(v) 当院または他者がお客様に提供したサービスに対する請求および支払を受けること。
(w) 前述に合理的に関連するその他の目的。



ことびあクリニックでは、ご予約のリマインドのご連絡のために、個人情報(電話番号、メールアドレスなど)を取り扱うことがあります。また、患者様のケアやフォローアップ(電話によるトリアージや 相談を含むがこれに限定されない)の一環として、電話をかけることがあります。


4. 情報の収集

(a) 医療同意書、申請書、リクエストまたはフィードバックを含むがこれらに限定されない用紙を当院に提出する場合。
(b) お客様が当院のことびあプラットフォームを使用する場合、または当院のことびあプラットフォームのいずれかを通じて当院とやり取りする場合、または当院のことびあプラットフォームのいずれかのサービスを使用する場合。この場合、当院または当院に代わって第三者がデータ(個人データを含む場合があります)を自動的に収集する様々な技術が使用される場合があります。
(c) 患者様として、当院のスタッフまたは医療機器による検査を受ける場合、または様々な形式のスクリーニング(生体サンプルまたは物質の採取を含む場合があります)を含むがこれに限定されない医療検査を受ける場合、または医療処置(メモまたは記録の作成につながる場合があります)に従事する場合。
(d) 治療および/または診断の一環として医療用監視装置および機器がお客様に提供される場合、当院が装置または機器の操作の一部としてこれらの装置から個人情報を受け取る場合。
(e) お客様と当院とのやり取りに関して、お客様が契約を締結する場合、その他の文書や情報を提供する場合、またはお客様が当院のサービスや ことびあプラットフォームを利用する場合。
(f) お客様が当院のスタッフ(顧客サービス担当者、看護師、医師、研修医、提携医療サービス専門家、その他の代表者を含む)とやり取りする場合(例えば、当院のことびあプラットフォーム、電話、文書、対面式会議、ソーシャルメディアプラットフォームおよび/または電子メールを介する場合)。
(g) お客様が当院からの追加の個人データの要求に応じる場合。
(h) 紹介者、政府省庁、規制当局、法定委員会、公的医療機関、公的機関、お客様の雇用主および/またはその他の第三者からお客様の個人データを受領する場合。
(i) お客様が当院の施設内にいるときに当院のCCTVカメラでお客様の画像が撮影された場合、またはお客様が当院のイベントや活動(例:公開フォーラムやイベント)に出席または参加し、お客様の音声および/または画像データがカメラ、音声および/またはビデオ録画に記録された場合。
(j) お客様が当院の取り組み(プロモーション、市場調査、アンケートなど)に回答する場合。
(k) ソーシャルネットワーク(Facebook、LinkedIn、YouTubeなど)を含む第三者から、当院のウェブサイト、モバイルまたはウェブベースのアプリケーションにログインするか、ソーシャルプラグインを通じて、またはその他の方法で、当該第三者が収集したお客様に関する情報を当院に開示することにお客様が同意された場合。
(l) お客様が支払いを行う場合、または支払いを促進するための詳細を提供する場合、または資金、利益および/または補助金の申請を確保もしくは管理する場合。
(m) 近親者や介護者を含む、当院との関係に関連して、当院がお客様に関する第三者から情報を求める場合。
(n) ソーシャルメディアまたはお客様が一般に公開している情報を含む、一般に入手可能な情報源から。
(o) その他の理由でお客様がご自身の個人データを当院に提出された場合。
ウェブサイトまたはアプリとして、ことびあプラットフォームは、ことびあプラットフォームにおけるサービスおよび機能において、以下の技術の一部を使用することもあります 。個人データを収集、使用、および/または開示するために、当院の電子サービス、ウェブサイト、モバイルおよびウェブベースのアプリケーションで、または当院で(当院または当院に代わって第三者が)使用する可能性がある一部の技術の例には、以下のものが含まれます
(a) 生体認証データサービスからの認証確認。当院は生体データを保存しませんが、お客様がことびあプラットフォームのサービスにアクセスしようとする際に、お客様の身元を認証するために第三者の生体データサービスとインターフェースを結ぶ場合があります。
(b) クリックストリームデータ。当院のウェブサイトへのアクセスまたは当院のモバイルもしくはウェブベースのアプリケーションの使用により、お客様のブラウザから当院のサーバーに送信されるデータが、当院または当院に代わって第三者が自動的に収集および保存することになります。このデータには、以下のものが含まれます
(i) 訪問者のIPアドレス。
(ii) 訪問の日付と時間。
(iii) 参照先URL(訪問者が来たサイト)。
(iv) 当院のウェブサイト、モバイルまたはウェブベースのアプリケーションで閲覧されたページおよび実行された動作。
(v) 使用したデバイス、携帯電話会社、ブラウザに関する情報(ブラウザの種類とバージョン、オペレーティングシステムなど)。
(c) クッキー  当院のウェブサイト、モバイルおよびウェブベースのアプリケーションの多くの場所で、クッキーが使用されています。これらの技術に関連するクッキーを無効にしたい場合は、お客様のブラウザの設定を変更することにより、無効にすることができます。ただし、その場合、当院ウェブサイトの特定の場所に入ることができなくなったり、当院アプリケーションのすべてにアクセスできなくなることがあります。
(d) Webビーコンとトラッキングリンク  Webビーコン(ピクセルタグおよびクリアGIFとも呼ばれます)には、ユーザーには見えないグラフィックが含まれます。トラッキングリンクおよび/または類似の技術は、数行のプログラミングコードで構成され、当院の電子メール、ウェブサイト、モバイルまたはウェブベースのアプリケーションに埋め込むことが可能です。クッキーと組み合わせて、これらは主に統計分析の目的で使用されます。この技術は、ウェブサイトのトラフィックパターンを追跡したり、電子メールが受信され開封されたかどうか、また何らかの反応があったかどうかを確認するためにも使用することができます。
(e) ウェブ解析  ウェブ解析とは、ウェブサイトやモバイルまたはウェブベースのアプリケーションへの訪問者の行動を収集し評価するための手法に与えられる用語です。これには、例えば、ウェブサイトまたはモバイルもしくはウェブベースのアプリケーションの特定の部分への訪問頻度を決定するため、または当院の訪問者が最も興味を持っている情報およびサービスを見つけるためのトラフィックパターンの分析が含まれます。これらの目的のために、当院は主にクリックストリームデータおよび上記のその他の技術を利用しています。ウェブ解析は、コンテンツ管理システム、Googleアナリティクスおよび/またはその他の選択された当事者(当院が随時お客様に通知する)(「ウェブ解析プロバイダ」)によって実施されます。 お客様が当院のコトヴィア・プラットフォームのいずれかでオンライン・プロファイルを作成し、このプロファイルにログインしている場合、ウェブ解析データをこのプロファイルと照合できるようにするため、このプロファイルを識別する固有の番号もウェブ解析プロバイダに送信される場合があることにご留意ください。当院のことびあプラットフォームにおけるお客様の行動に関する情報がGoogleアナリティクスによって収集・評価されることを希望しない場合は、Googleアナリティクスオプトアウトブラウザアドオンをインストールすることができます。アドオンのダウンロードとオプトアウトの詳細については、Googleアナリティクスオプトアウトアドオンページを参照してください。
(f) ユニークなアプリケーション番号  一部のサービスには、固有のアプリケーション番号が含まれています。この番号とお客様のアプリケーションのインストールに関する情報(例えば、オペレーティングシステムの種類やアプリケーションのバージョン番号)は、お客様がそのサービスをインストールまたはアンインストールする際、あるいはそのサービスが自動更新などのために定期的に当院のサーバーに連絡する際に、当院に送信される場合があります。
(g) ローカルストレージ  当院は、ブラウザのウェブストレージ(HTML 5を含む)およびアプリケーションデータのキャッシュなどのメカニズムを使用して、お客様のデバイスのローカルに情報(個人データを含む)を収集および保存する場合があります。このような情報には、お客様が自分で追加した投薬リストや投薬リマインダーが含まれる場合があります。
(h) リターゲティング技術  当院のことびあプラットフォームは、インターネット内でリターゲティング技術を使用することがあります。リターゲティング技術は、お客様のCookieおよび広告のクリックを含む過去の閲覧行動を分析し、お客様が以前に当院のことびあプラットフォームのいずれかを訪問または使用したことがあるか、または当院の広告をクリックしたことがある場合に、当院のパートナーのウェブサイト上で当院の広告を提供できるようにするものです。また、当院は、追跡技術を使用してインターネット上でお客様に当院の広告を提供するウェブ分析プロバイダと連携する場合があります。このような広告を提供するために、これらの企業は、当院のことびあプラットフォームへのお客様の訪問および当院や当院の広告とのお客様の相互作用に関する情報を収集することがあります。ウェブ解析プロバイダのデータ保護に関する詳細については、ウェブ解析プロバイダのプライバシーポリシーを参照してください。このような広告の受信を希望しない場合は、お客様のブラウザが受け入れる Cookies の設定を調整することができます。



5. 情報の正確性


6. 個人情報の更新と同意の撤回

(a) 場合によっては、個人情報を収集、使用、または開示する能力がなければ、当院が医療を提供する(または提供を継続する)ことが安全でないまたは違法となる可能性があります。
(b) お客様との特定の取引、合意、交流を進めることが、コトビア・クリニックに過度のリスク、コスト、責任を伴わずに不可能となり、中止または差し控えるしかなくなる可能性がある場合。

7. 個人情報のセキュリティと保持


8. 第三者のサイト


9. 準拠法

本プライバシー ポリシーおよびお客様の当院のことびあプラットフォームの使用は、すべての点において、マレーシアの法律に準拠するものとします。


[LEE HUA KEONG, care.my@cotoviaclinic.com]


We at Cotovia Clinic respect the privacy of each user which includes the use and protection of any information submitted by our visitors and is committed to protecting your privacy in accordance with the applicable laws, including the Personal Data Protection Act 2012 (“PDPA”). We request that you read our Privacy Policy carefully as it contains important information about how we will process and use the Personal Data provided by you in the course of our business, including our websites, digital services and products such as mobile applications, technical platforms, and other online or offline offerings otherwise indicated.
By interacting with us and submitting your Personal Data to us, you agree and consent to Cotovia Clinic as well as our related companies, respective agents, authorised service providers and relevant third parties to processing your Personal Data in the manner set forth in this Privacy Policy. If you have any queries related to this Privacy Policy, please contact the Data Protection Officer(s) identified at the end of this Privacy Policy.

This Privacy Policy supplements but does not supersede nor replace any other consents which you may have previously or specifically provided to us nor does it affect any rights that we may have at law in connection with the collection, use and/or disclosure of your Personal Data. We may from time to time update this Privacy Policy to ensure that this Privacy Policy is consistent with our future developments, industry trends and/or any changes in legal or regulatory requirements. As and when the contents of this Privacy Policy are updated or amended, the changes will be uploaded on to our website at [counter.cotoviaclinic.my].

Each time you use our websites and/or mobile and web-based applications, and any updates, upgrades, new versions, documentation and content and services provided by or through the websites and/or mobile and web-based applications (collectively referred to as “Cotovia Platforms”), or contact, interact or transact with us, you acknowledge and agree that the latest version of this Privacy Policy shall apply. It is your duty to keep yourself updated as to the latest version of this Privacy Policy.

This Privacy Policy was last updated on [31 December 2022].

1. Privacy

We recognize that the protection of your Personal Information is very important in building trust with you. This Privacy Policy may also be supplemented by additional policies and terms used in connection with particular purposes or on various forms which we may identify to be applicable.

2. Personal Information

“Personal Data” or “Personal Information” refers to any data, whether true or not, about an individual who can be identified (a) from that data; or (b) from that data and other information to which we have or are likely to have access to, including data in our records as may be updated from time to time.
The exact type of Personal Data that may apply in your case will vary depending on how you have interacted with us. Some examples of such Personal Data you may provide to us include (depending on the nature of your interaction with us): –
(f) personal details (e.g. name, NRIC, FIN, passport or other identification number, contact details, residential address, personal email address, nationality, age, gender, marital status, race, nationality, religion, and/or income levels);
(g) medical history and background which includes: –
I. the individual’s health or health care history;
II. the provision of health care to the individual; or
III. the payment for health care provided to the individual; and includes;
• the “Medical Record Number” and any other identifying number, symbol or particular assigned to an individual; and
• any identifying information about the individual that is collected in the course of, and is incidental to, the provision of healthcare or payment for healthcare.
(h) images and biometrics (e.g. photographs, voice and video recordings of you, including our conversations with you);
(i) your personal opinions made known to us (e.g. through feedback or surveys); and
(j) other electronic data or information relating to you through your usage of our products and services or as part of their delivery to you (e.g. location data, IP address, activity logs, cookies, device carrier/operating system and connection type).

Personal data does not include data about a data subject which has been anonymised. Anonymisation is the process of removing identifying information such that the remaining data does not identify any particular individual. Techniques can include pseudonymisation, aggregation, replacement, data reduction, data suppression, data shuffling, or masking.

3. Purposes and Use of Personal Information

Cotovia Clinic may use your Personal Data (a) for the purposes identified below or separately communicated to you; (b) to fulfil legitimate business interests and/or contractual and legal obligations; and (c) to comply with applicable laws, regulations and/or requirements from government agencies, regulatory bodies, statutory boards or other relevant bodies in Malaysia.
Generally, Cotovia Clinic may process your Personal Data for the following purposes: –
(x) Onboarding of information on relevant data subjects necessary to establish patient records and to commence treatment and care of the patient, including setting up the patient’s account with us and managing the patient’s use and access of the Cotovia Platforms;
(y) Managing your relationship with us, and providing medical treatment, services and advice, including and without limitation to facilitating your use of our services offered via our Cotovia Platforms such as telemedicine consultations and/or transactional e-services like e-appointments and e-payments;
(z) Contacting family members and/or next-of-kin and/or representatives for purposes of providing patient location (e.g. for visiting), medical updates, and seeking consent from them in emergency/incapacity situations;
(aa) Ensuring proper and complete diagnosis and appropriate treatment including and without limitation to identifying health and/or treatment risks (e.g. collecting, identifying and communicating vulnerabilities, conditions, allergies, potentially adverse reactions, adverse events, device failures and/or issues, etc.) and monitoring appropriateness of medication usage, specimen testing and reporting recording patient infection data;
(bb) Prescribing and dispensing appropriate medication;
(cc) Referring and/or collaboration with and/or transferring patients to other institutions, healthcare professionals, caregivers, persons, organisations for procedures, additional support on treatment, specialist assistance, the procurement or provision of follow up care or as part of care arrangements;
(dd) Conduct medical reviews to better address your medical risks and improve patient care;
(ee) Monitor and facilitate the post treatment transition of patients’ care to partners (including community partners, allied health professionals, step-down care, home care and the like);
(ff) To complete transactions with you and to administer and to manage/verify you with our preferred client services;
(gg) To understand and analyze our services to cater to your needs and preferences;
(hh) To develop, enhance, market and provide products and services to match your needs;
(ii) To enable you to participate in any of our events, promotions and/or contests (if any);
(jj) To enable us to personalize our services;
(kk) To improve the quality of our services;
(ll) To enable us to respond to any enquiries and/or request and/or complaints (if any);
(mm) Carrying out security and health and safety measures and services (including, for example, performing network or service enhancement, protecting Cotovia Platforms from unauthorised access or use and advising you of a product or drug recall);
(nn) Verifying your identity and such other information provided by you, including but not limited to the relationship between yourself and a third party dependent or the relationship between yourself and a third party caregiver;
(oo) Internal auditing, managing medical records, including facilitating patient merge processing and answering requests for medical records, producing medical reports and associated administrative documents;
(pp) Facilitating business asset transactions (which may extend to any mergers, acquisitions or asset sales);
(qq) Carrying out due diligence in accordance with legal and regulatory obligations or our risk management procedures and policies such as conducting audits to prevent, detect and investigate crime or offences or uncover non-conforming processes;
(rr) In connection with any claims, actions or proceedings (including but not limited to the drafting and reviewing of documents, transaction documentation, obtaining legal advice, and facilitating dispute resolution), and/or protecting and enforcing our contractual and legal rights and obligations;
(ss) To bill and receive payment for services that we or others provide to you; and
(tt) Any other purpose reasonably related to the aforesaid.

We may disclose your Personal Information if we are required to do so by law or requirement by any competent authority or ministries.

To conduct our operations more smoothly, we may disclose the Personal Data you have provided to us to our third-party services providers (such as translators and courier services), agents and/or affiliates or related corporations (“External Parties”) for such External Parties to process your Personal Data based on your requested services for one or more of the above stated reasons or purposes. An External Party may be sited locally or outside Malaysia.

We may handle Personal Data (such as telephone number and email address) to contact you to remind you of appointments at Cotovia Clinic. Telephone calls may also be made as part patient care and follow up (including but not limited to phone triage, or consultation).

We may also disclose Personal Data in emergency situations affecting (or causing serious threats to) the health, life, safety of any individual (e.g. to notify appropriate authorities where we believe a person has been the victim of abuse, neglect or domestic violence). Such disclosures will be made to such persons as may be necessary to address or respond to the situation.

If we need to use your Personal Data for any other purposes, we will notify you and obtain your consent beforehand in accordance with the requirements of applicable data protection laws.

4. Information Collection

We communicate with you through a variety of means and channels, through the internet and whether by email, post, phone or fax on your phone. Such communications may involve giving as well as receiving information from you. Some of the information received is personally identifiable information such as those define in Section 2 above.
Generally, depending on the situation, Cotovia Clinic may collect your Personal Data in the following ways: –
(p) when you submit forms, including but not limited to medical consent forms, applications, requests or feedback to us;
(q) when you use our Cotovia Platforms or interact with us via any of our Cotovia Platforms or use the services on any of our Cotovia Platforms which may utilise various technologies to collect data (which may include Personal Data) automatically either by us or by third parties on behalf of us;
(r) when, as a patient, you are examined by our staff or medical equipment, or when you are subject to or participate in a medical examination, including but not limited to various forms of screening (which may include the taking of biological samples or matter), or when, as a patient you are engaged in medical procedures (which may result in notes, or records being made);
(s) where medical monitoring devices and equipment are supplied to you as part of treatment and/or diagnostics, when we receive personal data from those devices as part of the device or equipment’s operation;
(t) when you enter into any agreement or provide other documentation or information in respect of your interactions with us, or when you use our services or the Cotovia Platforms;
(u) when you interact with our staff (including customer service officers, nurses, doctors, residents, allied health service professionals, and other representatives), for example, via our Cotovia Platforms, telephone calls, letters, face-to-face meetings, social media platforms and/or emails;
(v) when you respond to our request(s) for additional Personal Data;
(w) when we receive your Personal Data from referral parties, government ministries or agencies, regulators, statutory boards, Public Healthcare Institutions, public agencies, your employer and/or other third parties;
(x) when your images are captured by our CCTV cameras while you are within our premises, or when you attend or participate in our events or activities (e.g. public forums or events) and your voice and/or image data is captured on cameras, audio and/or video recordings;
(y) when you respond to our initiatives (e.g. promotions, market research or surveys);
(z) from third parties, including social networks (such as Facebook, LinkedIn or YouTube), when you consent to such third parties disclosing information about you to us that those third parties have collected, whether by logging into or through the social plug-ins on our websites or mobile or web-based applications or otherwise;
(aa) when you make payment or provide details to facilitate payment, or secure or administer the application of funding, benefits and/or subsidies;
(bb) when we seek information from third parties about you in connection with your relationship with us, including from next-of-kin and caregivers;
(cc) from publicly available sources including public social media or information you make available to the public; and
(dd) when you submit your Personal Data to us for any other reason.

As a website or app, the Cotovia Platforms may also use some of the following technologies in the services and functionalities in the Cotovia Platforms. Examples of some of the technologies which may be used (either by us or by third parties on behalf of us) by or in our electronic services, websites and mobile and web-based applications to collect, use and/or disclose Personal Data include the following: –
(i) Authentication confirmations from biometric data services. We do not store biometric data, but may interface with third party biometric data services to authenticate your identity when you seek to access the Cotovia Platforms services.
(j) Click-stream data. A visit to one of our websites or use of our mobile or web-based applications result in data that is transmitted from your browser to our server being automatically collected and stored by us or by third parties on behalf of us. This data can include the following: –
(vi) the visitor’s IP address;
(vii) the date and time of the visit;
(viii) the referral URL (the site from which the visitor has come);
(ix) the pages visited and action taken on our website or mobile or web-based applications; and
(x) information about the device, mobile carrier and browser used (browser type and version, operating system, etc).
(k) Cookies. A number of places on our website and our mobile and web-based applications make use of cookies. Should you wish to disable the cookies associated with these technologies, you may do so by changing the setting on your browser. However, you may not be able to enter certain part(s) of our website or enjoy full access to all of our applications.
(l) Web beacons and tracking links. Web beacons (also known as pixel tags and clear GIFs) involve graphics that are not apparent to the user. Tracking links and/or similar technologies consist of a few lines of programming code and can be embedded in our emails, website or mobile or web-based applications. In conjunction with cookies, these are primarily used for statistical analysis purposes. This technology can also be used for tracking traffic patterns on websites, as well as finding out if an e-mail has been received and opened and to see if there has been any response.
(m) Web analytics. Web analytics is the term given to a method for collecting and assessing the behaviour of visitors to websites and mobile or web-based applications. This includes the analysis of traffic patterns in order, for example, to determine the frequency of visits to certain parts of a website or mobile or web-based application, or to find out what information and services our visitors are most interested in. For these purposes, we primarily make use of click-stream data and the other techniques listed above. Web analytics are carried out by the Content Management Systems, Google Analytics and/or other selected parties (as we may inform you from time to time) (“Web Analytics Providers”). When you visit or use our Cotovia Platforms, Personal Data may (unless you have refused the processing of your Personal Data via such cookies and technologies) be sent to the Web Analytics Providers for analysis for and on behalf of us for the purposes described in this Privacy Policy. Please note that if you have created an online profile at any of our Cotovia Platforms and if you are logged in on this profile, a unique number identifying this profile may also be sent to the Web Analytics Providers in order to be able to match the web analytics data to this profile. If you do not wish information about your behaviour at any of our Cotovia Platforms to be collected and assessed by Google Analytics, you can install the Google Analytics opt-out browser add-on. Please refer to Google Analytics Opt-out Browser Add-on page for more information on downloading the add-on and opting out.
(n) Unique application numbers. Certain services include a unique application number. This number and information about your installation of the application (for example, the operating system type and application version number) may be sent to us when you install or uninstall that service or when that service periodically contacts our servers, such as for automatic updates.
(o) Local Storage. We may collect and store information (including Personal Data) locally on your device using mechanisms such as browser web storage (including HTML 5) and application data caches. Such information may include your self-added medication list and medication reminders.
(p) Retargeting Technologies. Our Cotovia Platforms may use retargeting technologies within the Internet. Retargeting technologies analyse your cookies and past surfing behaviour, including clicking of advertisements, so that where you have visited or used any of our Cotovia Platforms or clicked on our advertisements before, we can serve you our advertisements on our partner websites. We may also work with Web Analytics Providers, who use tracking technologies to serve our advertisements to you across the Internet. In order to serve such advertisements, these companies may collect information about your visits to our Cotovia Platforms and your interactions with us and our advertisements. Please refer to our Web Analytics Providers’ privacy policy(ies) for more information about their data protection practices. If you do not wish to receive such advertisements, you may adjust your browser settings for the cookies which your browser accepts.

Cotovia Clinic will endeavour to limit the collection of personal data to what is reasonable or necessary for such applicable purposes as described in this Privacy Policy. However, it should be noted that in the case of medical and/or health information, the extensiveness and completeness of information that is collected can mean the difference between saving a life, or preventing the loss of life, and can make a crucial difference between a full and proper diagnosis with appropriate treatment and incomplete or inadequate treatment.

Further, the relevance of information may not be immediately apparent at first and personal data may be collected as a matter of precaution to ensure that you or a data subject is adequately protected from or treated for illness.

It may also be good medical practice to collect information about a patient or even next-of-kin (e.g. in the case of congenital disorders, allergies, predispositions to certain risks etc), spouse, children, parents, and/or employees.

5. Accuracy of Information

We at Cotovia Clinic keep Personal Information as accurate, complete and up-to-date taking into account its usage and interests of our customers. We also rely on you and will assume that you have ensured that all Personal Data submitted to us is complete, accurate, true and correct.
To enable us to ensure the quality and accuracy of Personal Data, you have an obligation to provide accurate and up-to-date information to us. Failure on your part to do so may result in our inability to provide you with the products and services you have requested or process your application.

Please inform us if there are any changes to your Personal Information and for ensuring that such information is accurate and relevant at any point of time when you visit us or use any of our Cotovia Platforms.

6. Updating Personal Information and Withdrawal of Consent

We will amend the Personal Information contained in our database or elsewhere as required when an individual demonstrates to us the inaccuracy or incompleteness of the Personal Information. We may require you to provide us with additional information if necessary.
You are entitled to withdraw your consent for the collection, use and disclosure of your Personal Data at any time. However, depending on the nature of the withdrawal, it may become impossible for Cotovia Clinic to provide services such as processing or providing services offered by the Cotovia Platforms, and in particular: –
(c) in some cases, it may be unsafe or unlawful for us to provide (or continue to provide) medical treatment without the ability to collect, use or disclose Personal Data;
(d) it may not be possible, without undue risk, cost or liability to Cotovia Clinic, to proceed with a particular transaction, agreement or interaction with you, and we may be left with no choice but to cease or refrain from the same.

At the same time, it should be noted that your withdrawal of consent will not prevent us from exercising our legal rights (including any remedies, or undertaking any steps as we may be entitled to at law).

If you have any questions or feedback relating to your Personal Data or our Privacy Policy, would like to withdraw your consent to any use of your Personal Data as set out in this Privacy Policy, or would like to obtain access and make corrections to your Personal Data records, please contact our Data Protection Officer identified at the end of this Privacy Policy by way of email.

7. Security and Retention of the Personal Information

We at Cotovia Clinic will take reasonable efforts to protect your Personal Information in our possession against any loss or theft as well as unauthorized access, copying, disclosure, usage or modification regardless of the way the personal information is being store. However, we cannot completely guarantee the security of any Personal Data we may have collected from or about you, e.g. that no harmful code (such as viruses, bugs, Trojan horses, spyware or adware) will enter our website.
We retain Personal Data as may be required for business, legal, regulatory or compliance purposes, and such purposes do vary according to the circumstances. While we will take reasonable steps to dispose or anonymise Personal Data that is no longer needed, it is in the interests of any caregiver or person treating the patient to be able to refer to a complete set of medical records to avoid risks to health and safety of the patient.

With regard to medical data that we process, we will retain medical records in accordance with the duration stipulated by the Ministry of Health or/and in adherence with contractual agreements.

Generally, we do not transfer Personal Data out of Malaysia, except to our approved third party services providers for applicable services. Should we do so, we will ensure there is compliance with the requirements under the PDPA.

8. Third Party Sites

Our Cotovia Platforms may contain links to other websites operated by third parties. We are not responsible for the privacy practices of websites operated by third parties that are linked to our website. We encourage you to learn about the privacy policies of such third party websites. Some of these third party websites may be co-branded with our logo or trademark, even though they are not operated or maintained by us.
Once you have left our Cotovia Platforms, you should check the applicable privacy policy of the third party website to determine how they will handle any information they collect from you.

9. Governing Law

This Privacy Policy and your use of the Cotovia Platforms shall be governed in all respects by the laws of Malaysia.

10. Data Protection Officer

Should you have any queries relating to your Personal Data, please contact our Data Protection Officer(s) as follows:
[LEE HUA KEONG, care.my@cotoviaclinic.com]
